You are here: 7. Mobile Applications > 7.1. Configuration > 7.1.1. Configuring Micronet > Configuring Data.Connect > Creating a Data.Connect Routine for Sales Force Automation
Creating a Data.Connect Routine for Sales Force Automation

To create a Data.Connect routine for Micronet Sales Force Automation:


Micronet displays the Data.Connect Procedure screen.

  1. Select FILE | NEW.
  2. Complete the following fields:






Enter a short description for the procedure.



Enter 1. This procedure should run first.


Skip Integration

This relates to when Data.Connect initiates all procedures. Enter the number of times you want this procedure to be skipped during initiation.



Select Picking Slip from Directory. Select Yes to the popup question ‘Load PDA fields for PDA invoice import’. This will load the default Orders Directory field type at the bottom of the Data.Connect Procedure screen, with a default value of "orders" in the From field.


Using Mail

Select one of the following options if required:

  • SMTP or MAPI – looks at the mail configuration for the user logged onto Data.Connect, and uses these details to send a confirmation file to the originator of the order.
  • Lotus Notes – enables the Server and Database fields and prompts for information. These details will be used when sending the order confirmation file to the originator of the order.



Enter the type of file to be imported:

  • FAIRSCAN – note that Fairscan sales orders have a Comments field which can be any length. As Micronet text fields are a maximum of 75 characters, Data.Connect will keep adding text fields until the entire comment has been imported.
  • INENCO – for more information, see "Bearing Dynamics - CBC EDI"
  • CDA – for more information on CDA imports, see "Data.Connect E - Picking Slip from Directory - CDA"
  • POSDOCKET – import TOTECS online orders into enPOS.
  1. Double click on the Orders Directory field type at the bottom of the screen , or select the Orders Directory type and press Enter.

Micronet displays the Enter Field screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Field Type

Micronet displays Orders Directory. Do not change this.



Enter the full path name for the sales order files coming into Micronet, e.g. M:\msa27\data\orders.

This is the directory where Data.Connect will search for the file to process. After the file is processed, it will be moved to a bk directory, i.e. orders from m:\msa27\data\orders will be moved to m:\msa27\data\ordersbk.

A confirmation file will be created in a conf directory, i.e. orders from m:\msa27\data\orders will be moved to m:\msa27\data\ordersconf.

  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet redisplays the Data.Connect Procedure screen showing the path you entered for sales orders in the From field.

  1. Optionally, you can set a default priority for sales orders by selecting the Add button.

Micronet displays the Enter Field screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Field Type

Select Micronet Default.









Enter the default slip priority you want, e.g. 50.

  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet redisplays the Enter Field screen.

  1. Select the Cancel button.

Micronet redisplays the Data.Connect Procedure screen showing the field you added.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE.


Technical Tip

After your End of Month rollover has been run, you can delete the contents of the directory \PDA\ordersbk. This directory contains all sales force orders created on field PDAs and processed into Micronet via Data.Connect.